Monday, 18 November 2013

Minimally Invasive Care For Cardiac Patients

Coronary artery disease is the most common type of heart disease killing millions of people worldwide. It is the leading cause of death in America, takes lives of a half a million people every year.

Coronary artery disease develops when the fatty substances called plaque accumulate inside the arteries that supply blood to heart. In children, smooth arteries allow easy blood flow to the heart. As people age, increased calcium and cholesterol accumulation on the arterial walls makes the arteries harder and less elastic. This consequently leads to narrowing of arteries and preventing the arteries from pumping enough blood to heart. Blockage in the arteries leads to complete destruction of blood supply to heart and heart attack results.

The disease is characterized by symptoms such as chest pain or angina, shortnehss of breath, dizziness, and abnormal heart beating

Main factors that accelerate plaque build-up in heart are:
  • Ageing
  • High BP
  • Diet with high fat
  • Cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Lack of exercise
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
Timely diagnosis and proper treatment can reduce the severity of your symptoms. The main goals of treatment are enabling regular blood flow to the heart and preventing the disease from worsening its symptoms. There are many treatment options to reestablish the blood supply to the heart.

There are unbelievable advances in the field of cardiac surgery in the recent years. Simpler and effective treatments like Minimal Access Cardio Thoracic Surgery is becoming popular nowadays. Its main advantages are it is less invasive, safer, less painful and reduced risk of infection and bleeding.

Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass grafting (MIDCABG) is the best example among them. It is usually recommended if your symptoms are severe and do not improve with lifestyle modifications and other medications. Here your surgeon can perform operation in the simpler and safer way with more benefits to patients. In this advanced method, the surgeon does not need to open the chest bone to conduct the surgery. Instead of it, crusts are made in the chest bone in the rib region on its left side and surgery is conducted. This surgical treatment is most often recommended for patients with severe coronary disease or patients with blocked arteries at the front of heart.

To diagnose the severity of your symptoms, certain tests like electocardiogram (EKG,)
electrocardiography, stress test, Coronary Angiography and Cardiac Catheterization would be conducted. These tests can reveal the electrical activity of the heart and blockages in the arteries.
From the detailed analysis of the test results doctor will decide whether you need this treatment or not. If severe blockages are detected, then the grafting will be performed. After grafting, you will be given treatment under Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and monitored progress.

Dr Baburajan A.K is one of the Best Cardiologist Specialist in Thrissur offers affordable and effective minimally invasive cardiac suegery in India.

For more details please visit us,

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