Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Affordable Atrial Septal Defect Repair (Keyhole) India

Atrial Septal Defect is a congenital heart disease in which there is a hole in the septal wall that separates two upper chambers of the heart, that enables blood flow between two compartments Atrial septal holes are common in a child during pregnancy or from birth. Most of the smaller septal openings will be closed after birth in the childhood. But large defects may require surgery to remove. Atrial septal defects causes mixing up of oxygen rich pure blood with deoxygenated blood.

The symptoms of ASD may be unclear in children. In adults, the signs and symptoms usually start by age 30. 
The possible symptoms may include :
- fatigue, heart murmur, shortness of breath, swelling in the legs, bluish coloration of skin, skipped heart beats, lung infection or even stroke. 

If long-lasting ASDs left undiagnosed, it will create serious complications like heart failure or increased pressure in the lungs. The exact cause of septal defect is unclear. Most of the experts believe that it is resulting from the effect of genetic and environmental factors. Environmental factors may be use of alcohol or certain drugs and diseases like diabetes or rubella.

Largeratrial septal defects can cause mild to serious or life-threatening complications like heart failure, high risk of stroke, shortened life span, pulmonary hypertension and complications during pregnancy.

Using various tests like echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray and Cardiac catheterization, presence of ASD can be detected.Most of the doctors recommend repairing of ASDs if diagnosed in the younger ages as it can develop serious complications.
Less invasive treatments are available now to correct atrial septal defects. Drugs will be helpful in reducing the severity of symptoms. Medications like beta blockers (to keep heart beat regular) and blood thinners or anticoagulants are prescribed. These are effective in preventing the defect from growing its complications after surgery.

Minimal invasive surgical procedures offer effective results. The closure of ASD holes will be plugged or patched through procedures like Cardiac catheterization or open-heart surgery. Following a healthy diet which is low in fat and cholesterol and preventing infection are important strategies to be followed strictly for best outcome.

If you wish to know more, you are welcome to www.cardiac-surgeon-india.com


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